A Story of one of Ijaazah Moms | The house I live in with my family is not in the city center. To assist my child with changing his Hifz lessons, I have continually struggled to find a Qari (Quran educator). To come this far, they would request higher compensations and now and then the […]
2 Things You Must Have To Memorize the Quran | Do you need to memorize the total Quran or maybe certain parcels of it? As overwhelming as the errand sounds, there have been various huffaz in each era since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (sa), and it may be an exceptionally doable assignment in […]
When it comes to guiding children on the path of memorizing the Qur’an, known as Hifz, one of the first questions parents ask is, “What is the right age to start?” As a mom who has been through this journey, I know firsthand that starting Hifz is not just about choosing an age—it’s about preparing […]
Memorizing the Qur’an, known as Hifz, is a cherished goal for many Muslims. It’s a journey that requires commitment, patience, and the right approach. If you’re embarking on this path or simply looking to improve your memorization skills, know that there are practical steps to make the process easier and more enjoyable. This article offers […]
For many Muslims, reading the Quran is not only a form of worship but also a personal journey that brings them closer to God. As one dives deeper into Quranic recitation, the concept of Tajweed often comes into focus. But what exactly is Tajweed, and is it obligatory to learn? If you’re exploring this topic, […]
ibn uthaymeen is the companion of respectability, the Shaykh, the muhaqqiq (inquiring about researcher), the faqeeh (legal scholar), the mufassir (Qur’an commentator), Mohammad canister Saalih container Mohammad container Sulaymaan container ‘Abd-ir-Rahmaan Aal ‘Uthaymeen from Al Wahbah from Banu Tameem. He was born on the night of the 27th within the bountiful month of Ramadan of […]
Sheikh Ahmed Muhammad Shaker was one of the brilliant scholars of Al-Azhar who emerged at the beginning of the fourteenth century, AH, and he belongs to the family of “Abi Alia” in Jirga from Upper Egypt, which is an honorable family, whose lineage ends with Imam Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib. He received his […]
Learn Quran Hifz online – The Quran is isolated into 114 Surahs, each containing divine commands and benefits. All are essential to give positive or negative lessons and bestow various rewards. In any case, a few Surahs have a one-of-a-kind meaning and ought to be rehashed. So it is basic to memorize it. Read also: […]
Masnoon dua (supplication): One ought to implore ALLAH all-powerful for all of one’s needs at all times. Our unceasingly favored Prophet instructed us particular supplications for uncommon events at different times of the night and day, such as these Duas (supplications) when waking up, getting to bed, and getting up from rest, some time recent […]
Learning how to read Quran is a beautiful and rewarding journey. For many of us, this journey is not just about gaining knowledge—it’s about connecting with the words of Allah, experiencing a sense of peace, and strengthening our faith. But with busy schedules and limited resources, finding the right way to start can be challenging. […]