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Ijazaah.com is an Online Quran Academy which provides services of Online Quran learning for kids and Adults through internet with a tremendous experience of Online Quran teaching having a lot of satisfied students all over the World including USA, UK, Canada, UAE, Denmark, Ireland and other countries who have gained Holy Quran education online from our Quran Tutors.

Ijaazah Online classes introduce everything related to -Quran science (Quran, Tajweed, Motoon, and Ijaazahs) -Islamic Studies (Fiqh, Hadeeth, Tafseer,Creed and their Science) -Arabic language (Writing, understanding,reading, and all of its rules) -Other subjects like(Math and Science) -Special programs : ( Sourah Al-Kahf , Azkar , Mercy to the world,etc )

Ijaazah Online classes introduce everything related to 

-Quran science (Quran, Tajweed, Motoon, and Ijaazahs)

-Islamic Studies (Fiqh, Hadeeth, Tafseer,Creed and their Science)

-Arabic language (Writing, understanding,reading, and all of its rules)

-Other subjects like(Math and Science)

-Special  programs : ( Sourah Al-Kahf , Azkar , Mercy to the world,etc )

How it Works?

you can follow these steps: login www.Ijaazah.com —>Schedule free assessment—> fill in the form—> we will send the link for the assessment session to your Whats app group.

-The first class with Ijaazah Online classes will be a free trial session to see your teacher and his or her teaching method. After that you will decide if you want to continue with him/her or you want to Change, after taking more than one class with any teacher and you want to change for any reason or after deciding your time and you want to change, just send to the support team on your whatsapp group to arrange everything with you any time.

We have in Ijaazah Online classes two options in taking classes

 the first one (one to one)

The second one to be more than one person (a group class)

Parents can check their kid’s performance in Ijaazah Online classes through two ways

A-we send you a monthly report about your kid progress at the end of every month.

B-the kid’s teacher writes his daily progress in a drive sheet and the parents can have access to it and check it daily.

With Ijaazah Online classes, you can follow your kid and attend the class to see his/her performance and the teacher’s methods in teaching, but not every class.

The first class in Ijaazah Online classes is a free trial one after which the accountant requests your email and sends you the payment link ( paypal available ) , then we send it before the beginning of each month.

If you cannot attend a lesson in Ijaazah Online classes, you can cancel it before at least 6 hours from it’s time and in this case we will reschedule it for you. But if the cancellation was before the class directly we will not be able to reschedule it for you because the teacher will be already waiting for you.

The first class in Ijaazah Online classes is always a free trial one.

Yes,Ijazah offer family membership and also friendship discount . 

According to the gender of the teacher in Ijaazah Online classes you can choose that as you want during the assessment session.

The student or parents can contact the teacher in Ijaazah Online classes via the support team on whatsapp group, just they can send what they want, any questions, or their homework and immediately the support team will contact the teacher and send you his/her reply.

In the case of teacher absence in Ijaazah Online classes, the students will make up their missed class any time they want.

With Ijaazah Online classes you can reschedule your sessions if you tell us before at least 6 hours from your class time, or if you have to reschedule for a necessary sudden issue, you have to tell us before at least one hour from the class time to be able to reschedule it.

Reading Arabic from Zero to Hero

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alsalam ealaykum warahmat allah wabarakatuh 👋
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