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Sirah Course

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2 students enrolled
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Al Sirah an Nabawiyyah
To know our religion, we must get to know our Prophet and our honourable Sunnah and our prophet, and we must understand his excellent Biography.

Sirah Course – Biography of the Prophet

Al-Seerat an-Nabawiyyah (The Biography of the Prophet) are the traditional Muslim biographies of Muhammad from which, in addition to the Quran and trustable Hadiths, most historical information about his life and the early period of Islam is derived.
Together, we will move to the new program offered by the Ijaazah institution to teach the Holy Quran, the Arabic language and their sciences.

Know your prophet

It is a particular program that defines the Prophet’s Muhammad PBUH biography for adults and children because his love is from the perfection of faith, following him is from the love of Allah, and our deeds are accepted if they are on his approach.

Duration of the program:

5 lectures

Program times:

once a week – half an hour

Number of attendees:

From five to ten persons.

Target group:

  • Children: from age 7 to 12
  • adults: 18 and over.

Language used in the conversation:

Arabic and English.

Program content:

An overview of the Biography of the Prophet, PBUH, and the phases of his mission.
-The rights of the Prophet – PBUH – over a Muslim.
-How to support the Prophet, PBUH.
-How to support the mission of our Prophet – PBUH – by memorizing the Qur’an and studying Sharia sciences.
Program project: for the student to mention a project; Through it, they can support the message of our prophet PBUH.
Reference: Biography books such as:( Al-Raheeq Al-Khartum, Al-Seerah Al-Nabawyyah by Al-Sallabi, Mercy to the Worlds (Rahmatun Bilal Ameen) by Ragheb Al-Sarjani).

Sirah Program Goals:

1-Getting acquainted with the entire Biography of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
2-Raising the position of prophet Muhammad in the hearts of Muslims.
3-Knowing how to support prophet Muhammad, PBUH.


Price: Starting from 35$

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