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Finally!! The Imam Voice competition is launched now with Ijaazah.

If you see yourself or your child is able to recite Qur’an in a beautiful way, THEN it’s your chance now to let the world hear your recitation…

The door is open for participation in the 1st edition of “The Imam Voice” for all ages.

All what you need is to record a video of 3 minutes maximum for the participant while he or she is reciting any ayat of the holy Quran. Then send it via WhatsApp or Telegram Ijaazah’s number.


We will upload the videos of the participants to all of Ijazah’s social media accounts. The top winners are the ones who get the most votes.

There are prizes will be gifted to the top reciters

Register now and let the real voice be appreciated from the world with The Imam Voice

Reading Arabic from Zero to Hero

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alsalam ealaykum warahmat allah wabarakatuh 👋
If you need help, feel free to ask anything.